I was walking along the pavement near Sheares when I passed by this pond. There, was a young girl sitting beside the pond and just staring at her reflection. Curiously, I went up to her to strike a conversation. I ask her where she come from, is she staying in hall, etc. Then as we talked, we started talking about relationships. It was interesting cos she told me that she'd been in and out of love many times, though it's countable. She seemed to be growing tired of relationships. But then again, she saw her friends around her being loved by someone. She yearned to have that. I told her it's normal to feel that way cos humans are always contradicting. When you have an apple, you would want to have the pear in the hands of another. She agreed but went on to saying that there are so many apples and pears out there, how would she know which one to choose. I thought for a while. That is true, how do we know which one is rotten or juicy. I told her maybe she should try the apples and pears so that she'll know how do they taste like. But would that take a lifetime, she asked. I said, if that's the case, ask yourself what do you want to eat? Would you like to be an apple that is green, juicy but with a little tinge of sourness or a pear that is crunchy? If that fruit fufills your criteria, pick that fruit. Wouldnt' that mean you'll leave out plenty of other juicy and colourful fruits and just stick with that only fruit that you picked. I told her that maybe it doesnt pay to be greedy. By the time you are ready to pick the right fruit, other nicer fruits are in season. It is never ending. When are you ready to stop looking? Grasses are always greener on the other side. But while you are gazing, do not forget the patch of grass on your side, because that is what matters. You are now with that patch. What are you going to do about it. Life is all about choices and how you live with the choice you make. So make the choice that you will not regret. Because regret lives forever in your heart, till you die. Unless you are able to free the pain. Suddenly, the girl started crying. It's been a very long time since she let out her agony and frustration. I told her, it's ok. Cry as much as you want. Sometimes, crying makes us human all over again. We are blinded by so many things in the world, when we meet situations, we put a shield to protect ourselves. Sometimes, we just need to let out a cry, to tell the world, we are after all humans. She went on to tell me that there's this boy that she like but didnt dare to tell him because he is not staying in the next semester. If only she had more time with him. I ask her is she close to the boy. She shook her head. She hardly see him. But when she saw him, her heart always skip a beat. But then, he hardly notice her. When both of them talked, she always feel like happy. Even her friends commented that her face always light up when she's with him. But then sometimes, he'll treat her like a transparent paper. It seems like he's blowing hot and cold. I frowned as that does not seem like a good sign, even for a friend. 20 years of experience in this world, I dont think that is a friend at all. Why would a friend do this to do? Maybe he is in a bad mood, I suggested. She shook her head. She knew the reason. He has many girl-friends circling around him and he is not shy about it. Perhaps, to him, she is just another girl living in the same building. I probed a bit more, if you knew that he is such a flirt, why do you still torture yourself? You should stop thinking about it. Forget about him. She looked at me with her eyes filled with tear, it was like she was asking me for help. She couldnt get out of the hole. I told her, the semester is coming to an end, you probably won be able to see him again. You should free yourself from all the agony since the chance of you two being together is really slim. Drop the unnecessary burden and walk free from it. Maybe you'll live happier. Even though you two had some memorable times together, all that is left are memories. So take them with you and move on. Life is unfair. The unspoken rule says that only one fruit is allowed at one single time. You are still young, there are so many fruits out there. Choose wisely before you regret.
The young girl looked at me. This time, her tears have dried up. Though she wasnt crying, I could tell she was not convinced. I looked at my watch, it was time to go back for dinner, I bade her goodbye before she turned around the corner and disappeared. In time to come, I know that she will understand what I was saying. I took a deep breath before walking back to SHeares with my head held up high. It was time to face my own fears.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
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